Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cutbank Rejection

Dear [first name of writer]: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to read “[title of piece].” While we very much enjoyed your work, after careful consideration, we’ve decided we don’t have a place for this manuscript. Your story was compelling and received a lot of positive reactions from the staff. We hope you’ll keep us in mind and send us more work in the future. Kind regards, Laura Scott, Cutbank Literary Journal


  1. in other word, HELL NO! to put it "bluntly?". AND yes your right.thire auttualy "their is a places for your manuscript'at the bottom of the hate basecate .

  2. Response Times
    Note: The statistics in this "section are compiled from response reports sent to us through our submissions tracker for registered users. They are not provided by the publication's editors/staff or by Duotrope's admins.
    This market ranks among the Extremely Challenging Poetry Markets
    Currently displaying: Include outliers (BETA) "

    source at: A

  3. well they say if you move your way up from non-tier journal you'll one day make to the top. well the way I see in you don't make today you may not tomorrow.
