Monday, December 13, 2010

Is this real?

I don't know, but it is freakin' awesome.


  1. I suspect it is real having seen a documentary about him that blew me away. He's a real straight-shooter and it sounds like something he'd write. I believe in it. Just as I believe he was by far the best. bond. ever.

  2. I cant read what it says

  3. I've heard that he's more than a "straight shooter", more like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to be around because he's so sold on himself. I believe boorishly self-centered would be descriptive, i.e. a real pain in the ass.

  4. you are a computer salesman...? if i had to bet who would get more billing in history textbooks 100 years from now, i'd go with stevie.

    shouldn't james bond feel a little more honored and be more gracious that one of the most influential companies in the world wanted him? why be an ass just because you can?

  5. This is bullshit. He wouldn't be writing. He has an agent that fields work for him and turns down work.
