Thursday, March 17, 2011

Update: Working on It

Hello micycles. I'm over the vertigo and traveling around the West Coast this and last week.  So, the question of blog quality may continue in your little mice minds.  That said, I've made a major change to my novel: switching the climax from the end of part one to a reveal at the end of the book.  This adds suspense, one might argue...literary suspense, but still, you know, page-turning motivation.  Not sure if it works, but we'll see.  I'm taking my time and feeling it come together. Happy to be revising. Happy Agent 99 is still on my side. Happy you guys are out there rooting for me. That's the scoop here...California time.

1 comment:

  1. I love this mouse drawing so much. That is all. Also, good luck w/ the revisions!
