Monday, April 11, 2011

Flush It Elsewhere

This sign was posted in a window of a Borders that was going out of business. Can't do your business there any more. Sad to see that books are what's really going down the toilet, isn't it?


  1. Wow sad indeed, and even more so for the genuine wit of whoever put the sign up.

  2. who rejected my freak-en books store!!!

  3. well, you can shop at amazon from a restroom...

  4. It's all going to hell. But it's hard for me to care. Indiana Review, which has rejected me 3 times, just sent a renewal form for my subscription. Sorry, I'm not feeling very generous.

  5. face it, most of us can only be fans of . Indiana Review, I like be in a Hollywood movie. just case I'm not, i want stop watching.
