Thursday, April 7, 2011

In Case You Don't Understand English

A reader sent this one in: 
We enjoyed reading your submission, but unfortunately it didn't work for us, so we'll have to say no. We get a lot of submissions and can only use a fraction of them, so please understand that this No most likely means "Not Quite the Right Fit," not "No Good." Thanks for thinking of DIAGRAM as a possible home for your work. Sincerely, The Editors


  1. Thanks again for posting! lol
    my most classic rejections

  2. My understandings,0 so if you rejected me , it like Italian mobster lol
    no! no! no!!!!!!!! lol
    my pens in flys in your face!

  3. aww, I love DIAGRAM. one of my first rejections and my first acceptance. I think their rejection is pretty nice :(

  4. I don't have tome too read DIAGRAM
