Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh What Fun at JoUR Blog

So many things to reject; so little time.  Take a spin over at the official blog of the Journal of Universal Rejection for some fun! Their motto BTW is reprobatio certa, hora incerta. There are many funny rejections, and perhaps you will want to partake.


  1. why cant writer be like supermodels
    image if you get published in a top journals and get millions because would pay 12 t 20? for a lit journal lol And compays would pay poetry magazines thousands for add space lol what if literary had major film budget just too print poems lol

    "Supermodels usually work for top fashion designers and labels. They have multi-million dollar contracts, endorsements and campaigns"

  2. WHy aren't short story writers as pissed off at literary journals as indie authors are at the whole agent as gatekeeper model? Some mfa guy who wants his short story in another mag pubs that mags mfa punk's story, etc. The rejection rate is astronomical. No one gets paid. In fact, the writers usually pay 3 to 20 dollars for the privilege of being rejected. If it's about the status--you're not going to get it without an mfa so go get one. If it's about being read, no one reads literary journals (so it can't be about being read) but if you actually write a short story like Brokeback Mountain that normal people would and should read, then there has to be a movement to bypass this nonsense. Maybe Amazon shorts will do it. Maybe something else. But this system is so messed up it's scary.
