Friday, May 13, 2011

Calling All Modern Love Rejects

Got a note from the nice peeps over at the aptly named Modern Love Rejects blog in case you have a hankering to post the piece Daniel Jones at the New York Times rejected. (That column is tired anyway.) They have posted some nice work over there.  Take a gander.  Here's the note I received:
Hello Fellow Reject, I write you from our new website Modern Love Rejects. We post the essays not nearly good enough for the NY Times Modern Love column. I couldn't help but notice that you, too, have been rejected by Modern Love three times (as have my co-founder, Kiri and I) Would you care to share one of your essays with us. We'd love to have you. Rejects must stick together! Yours, Samara
This is where hungry agents should go trolling for talent.

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