Friday, May 6, 2011

Speaking of New Yorker Rejections

This would be refreshing, but I don't think it's real. The New Yorker editors are too genteel for such crude language, right?


  1. I'm shocked they would be so unprofessional!
    I wouldnt take it too heart
    it probly was siged by some little person working the slush pile in mail room.
    I personaly stop sending to the new york, althouht I got better furm rejections !

  2. boycott ! nyk magazine ,writers!
    dont buy or renew!

  3. I don't think it's real. Hold the boycott.

  4. Please say you meant "genteel" and not "gentile"--or is this some inside joke a new reader like me wouldn't get? Love your blog anyway. Keep going, Writer, Rejected!
