Friday, May 20, 2011

There is No Rejection to End All Rejections

As someone commented here recently, it would be nice to be accepted. But, alas, rejection is an age-old fact for the writer.  This one is from 1936, predating even WWII, the war that truly modernized and changed the world.


  1. then again quality is also important other then acceptance.

  2. "realy America"? lol palin,1936
    Anyway thank god for my rejections because without them I'll be a successful crappy writer lol
    I wonder if the lady who received the rejection was ever published anywhere?

  3. I'll live of hope till the day i die lol I Will not make it big ever with my writing because my luck is never that good but i Have the ability to laugh at myself and write peoms so thank the god(s)lol
