Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why So Angry?

Anonymous posted this message to me today to let me know if I lose it's because I am a self-promoting douche and if I win I am a sell out. Can't win on those terms. Anyway, made me laugh. Thought I'd share:

"I for one will be delighted when you are finally, definitively rejected, your constant self-aggrandising bleating about having written a book coupled with your fawning to the vanity of editorial market-led pap-loving venality has been nauseating, and should you compromise sufficiently to get your book validated by mainstream publication it will merely go to show how sheer lack of integrity and a will to conform can get you fifteen minute in the overcrowded, overrated, dying-on-its-feet literary spotlight. And yes, I've nothing better to do. Having said that, good luck with your future literary endeavours."


  1. Radek, will you marry me?

  2. I am topend high earning distinguished publishing industry insider with a penchant for literary outsiders; history is literally littered with them, do you like my alliteration? I adore and devoir bivalves at a rate of knots but never have I shared them with such a mouse, anonymous or otherwise. You really should not assume such a hirsute position of presumptuousness towards your reading pubic, being as you too are de facto wrestling incognito ergo sumo sum. The genus rodent-mollusc perhaps a metapfur for your cheese-wielding shenanigans, rejection being par excellence the fait accompli of the squeaking classes. Such cruelty is the stuff of kindness. I am tempted to start a blog about acceptance, but them I am already topend high earning distinguished publishing industry insider in that regard. Go forth and pulpify, and best of luck in your future literary endeavours.

  3. Not long after my first novel was published, I received a one-star review, trashing my book. Long story short, it was merely a would-be novelist, very jealous and taking it out on one who had succeeded. Amazingly, he copped to the deed and removed the bad review.

    This is all to say, I don't know if your book is good or bad; I hope it's good. But I'll bet you dollars to donuts this is just a very frustrated, jealous writer. And I hope that you can, indeed, laugh off remarks like these. And, in time, have the last laugh, which is the best of all laughs.

  4. I for one will jump up and down if you get published. I have felt jealous of other writers before, but not you. Never you. You have provided a safe place to vent about the process and shared the process with us. I tried for years to break into the top-tiered lit journal market, and this place kept me sane.

    I've just started querying a novel I spent the past year writing (having given up on short fiction). Within two weeks, I have had two requests for fulls and two for partials. I've also had four rejections, but after the little stint with short fiction, this feels like heaven.

    F the haters. You, WR, have been important to me and I just wanted you to know.

  5. mouse face in snake mouth = sad

  6. lol at "pap-loving venality"

  7. It must be a frustrated novelist -- the writing is far too purple for it to be a published novelist.
