Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's My Birthday today

Wouldn't it be great if Agent 99 wrote me today to say that she loves my novel rewrite and wants to send the manuscript out to publishers next week for a fresh, crisp start to September? That would be my birthday wish. That, or world peace. Or maybe just a simple hope that everyone out there from the Eastern parts of the U.S. did okay in that hurricane. I don't know. I lose perspective sometimes. Maybe it doesn't matter so much if the thing gets published in my life time. Maybe the sheer fact of writing it is good enough. One thing's for sure: This writing life is testing my patience.


  1. Happy Birthday! If this be not the day, we're all hoping this be the year for you!

  2. happy birthday.
    i have been shopping a novel, literary but not conventional in structure, for about two years. no agent wanted to represent it, so over the last six months i went back in and wrote three additional sections, about 30,000 words, cut some other stuff, did general tuning, and sent it back out to five agents. three wanted to rep it, one didn't, one never responded. i went with the most enthusiastic.
    we sold the book in july to a major house, first novel of two novel deal. (at least three houses were interested.) so, a few of us do still get lucky, even in this difficult climate

  3. I'tt just repeat what must be going through your head every day: Agent 99 is wasting your time.

  4. I thought, from what you wrote a while back, that you were next in line, w/r.
    Like the Anonymous above, I'm wondering about 0099.

  5. Was supposed to be on the top of the pile. Maybe Augustitis?
