Friday, August 12, 2011

Ploughshares Redux

Let's do a mini retrospective on the esteemed journal. Compare this one to some of the other rejections from Ploughshares through the years:
We regret that your manuscript does not fit our current editorial needs, but we appreciated the opportunity to consider your work. Thanks very much for submitting. Sincerely, The Editors of Ploughshares
zzzzz....huh? Oh, sorry. Anyway, happy weekend, people.


  1. I love this blog. I'll be back to hang out.

  2. I'm real tired of place like ploughshares which do not promise new writers lol

    i put headaches on chill and stop submitting lol

  3. Your last remark on this one is great. CSE

  4. cse?

    also "lol" you should go "lol" somewhere else. what are you, twelve?
