Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Though your manuscript has not found a place with The Atlantic, we thank you for the chance to consider it. Best of luck placing it elsewhere. The Editors
Wrote the mouse who received the above rejection:
"I am really starting to hate this whole "best luck placing it elsewhere" thing. It's like one of those terrible breakups where they REALLY HOPE you meet someone...who really deserves you." 
Personally I don't try for The Atlantic anymore. I think of it as one of those dreams that the world quickly rips from your heart, replacing it with something more realistic, like war and poverty.  It's probably true that I have about as negative a chance of getting in The Atlantic as in the You-Know-Where.


  1. poverty and a feeling of unicomplishment is something

  2. I tried the Atlantic for the first time recently. Of course I was rejected, but at least the fiction editor wrote "Sorry" on the slip and initialed it. Pathetically small consolation for sure, but it was nice to know that the editor had looked at my story. At most journals, I doubt that happens.

  3. I'm amazed people still try their luck at the old New York (or whatever -- East Coast) dinosaurs. Really, who does anyone know who reads the Atlantic? I gave it up years ago, figuring this is why God invented blogging. More power to you, though.

  4. For what it's worth, Native, I as a reject of The Atlantic am honestly jealous of your "sorry".

  5. Are you guys submitting your stories with cover letters? I never do unless it is explicitly asked for, but I wonder how many more acceptances (or nice rejections) I might get if I mentioned 3 little letters. Le sigh.

  6. The Atlantic hardly seems to publish stories any more. They have one fiction issue with a mediocre selection, and what else?

  7. I just wish they would respond to the poems I sent over six months ago. Lost? or late stage of deep consideration?
