Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Promise for You

Having a different procedure today to get at the cells in question; hope this one works. In the meantime here's a cute little form letter from Arts & Letters for your rejection enjoyment:
Thanks for giving us the chance to read your work; unfortunately, it doesn't meet our needs at this time. However, we promise that if you keep writing, we'll keep reading. All the best, The Editors, Arts & Letters 


  1. Hey Dude.

    I hope your good cells thrive and your bad cells croak and that nothing is painful.

    Your blog is genius. I hope it gets the attention it deserves, along with your other writing.

  2. Adorable: & love the cancer cell picture.

  3. This sound similar to something I went through and it all turned out just fine. I have no doubt it will for you, too. Hang in there. You're a fighter; that is clear from this blog. We're all sending positive thoughts your way.

  4. More positive thoughts from all your readers deluging you and bathing you in good vibes!!!
