Friday, October 21, 2011

Go Team Fiction!

There's an advertisement in that thar rejection:
Thank you for your submission to Able Muse. We have read your story carefully and unfortunately it did not meet our present needs. The best way to find out what we publish is by reading Able Muse. The latest issue, No. 11, Summer 2011 is available in print and online at. We invite our readers to get all the details on subscription information. --For the Fiction Team at Able Muse.
Sorry for the spotty posting; a family member had emergency surgery and I've been shuffling to the hospital and back. Everything is okay, but it's been quite a season of urgent matters. Luckily, all is turning out well in the end.

p.s. Writing Update: I am, it turns out, working with Secret Agent Man on a proposal for the nonfiction book....shhh! Also, I contacted an editor who once almost bought my second short story collection (still unpublished) and she is going to have a look at my novel and give me her professional editing opinion. I am paying her for this service, so it's a hired opinion.


  1. From their website "Able Muse is a not-for-profit publication. For the print edition, we pay in contributors' copies."

    I have only a finite amount of money to spend on subscriptions, so I give my patronage to lit mags that pay their contributors. If a poet wants to find out if he/she should submit to AM, he/she can read a copy in a library. Writers, photographers and artists got to get paid.

  2. go secret agent man!

  3. well of course !lol

    Read the issues you cant afford

  4. speaking of poetry rejection.
    I wonder were find trusty editing and proofreading service in writing world today?
    I think that all I need today is a very good editor and already great imagery. some to structure words in way worthy for acdemic journals and someone who is also a agent.

  5. put an advertisement on craigslist if you need poetry editing services.

  6. by the way
    i haven't tried to many academic journals because often you have know one a person to get out of the slush pile, I'm NOT saying that always the case but connection are valuable.I do enjoy magazine like Able Muse because they always open with me about my poetry. when famous I'll try some other journal but in-till then I'll sat my comfort zone.

    A few academic journals which I do like are , Mid-American Review ,Huron river review and a few others who inclusive of new writers.
