Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah...Superior!

I grew up in the Great Lakes Region, but never heard it called "Third Coast" before.  Who knew. Here's a rejection from a reader from Third Coast Literary Magazine:
Thank you for submitting your work for our consideration. We regret that we are unable to accept it for publication in Third Coast. We wish you the best of luck in placing it elsewhere.--The Editors


  1. me too and me neither. but it's a cute moniker all the same.

  2. For some reason the Jacksonville area is called the first coast (At least according to the "First Coast News Team.") I wonder where the second coast is?

  3. Maybe they need to start teaching Geography again.

  4. I grew up near Buffalo, where one of the radio stations had a tagline like, "broadcasting from the North Coast of America."

  5. That's because Canada (where I live) has been mostly ocean since 1972. All our houses are on stilts.

  6. michigan born and raised in water world !
