Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Our Token Respect

Never pay retail, darling.
Dear Writer's Name,
     Thank you for sending "Title of Story" to Fourteen Hills: The San Francisco State Review. We have considered your submission and, unfortunately, it isn't a match for our current issue. Many authors of original and well-crafted pieces will receive this letter. Please don't let this deter you from submitting in the future, and, in the meantime, subscribing to Fourteen Hills.
     As a token of our respect for your work, we would like to offer you a reduced subscription rate of 15% off. We know this is a small condolence, but we hope you take us up on our offer.You can request the subscription at this link. Thanks again. Best of luck with your work. Sincerely, Stephanie Doeing, Fourteen Hills

1 comment:

  1. Gotta move that merchandise, ABC, always be closing.
