Thursday, May 3, 2012

May Has Brought Spring Flowers and the First Person

So, I'm working on the novel again. I don't know exactly what came over me, but I'm reworking it into the first person, sort of an omniscient first-person point of view...hard to explain.  Will it work?  Who knows? I am bravely charging forward. I think after all these years in therapy, my therapist will consider it a breakthrough to have found this self-identified character a confident new voice of its own.  Publishable? Who the hell knows...or, at this point, cares? I'm beyond all that (today), and it is super freeing.  I am actually writing to discover what it is I've been trying to say all these years. Will keep you posted. In the meantime, here's a Gigantic rejection to tide the people-mice over, auspices a loyal LROD reader:
Thank you for your submission and your interest in Gigantic. Unfortunately, this didn't feel quite right for us, but we wish you the best of luck placing it elsewhere. Sincerely, The Editors

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