Tuesday, July 31, 2012

We Do Not Recommend Your Work

Hey, wait a minute; there's no such thing as a fifth Wednesday. Maybe we don't recommend your journal, even if you do think we benefit from buying copies of it:
Dear Writer: Thank you for sending your work to Fifth Wednesday Journal. We have completed our review, and our readers and editors do not recommend your work for publication in the Fall 2012 issue. Please visit www.fifthwednesdayjournal.org for information on future submission periods. Fifth Wednesday Journal editors recognize the cost of literary magazines can be prohibitive for many writers. Nevertheless, we believe that writers benefit from reading a literary magazine on a regular basis. Our offer: Send a copy of this e-mail together with a payment of $6.00 and we will send you one copy of the issue of your choice; send a payment of $15.00 and we will send you a three (3) issue subscription starting with the most recent issue released. Unfortunately, for international orders we must add postage: $6.00 for one copy and $15.00 for subscriptions. Offer expires October 1, 2012. Send a copy of this e-mail, shipping address, issue choice, and payment to: Fifth Wednesday Books, Inc. P.O. Box 4033, Lisle, IL 60532-9033 Thank you again for the opportunity to read your work. If you wish to receive our newsletters go to the website and click on the Join Our Mailing List icon. Editors at Fifth Wednesday Journal www.fifthwednesdayjournal.org


  1. This why journals don't sale anymore,the elitism!

  2. If that's the best rejection letter the editors of Fifth Wednesday Journal could come up with, I don't think they have any business recommending fiction and poetry to anyone. And did I just see on their submissions page that they don't pay contributors? Godspeed on their journey to becoming yet another defunct lit mag.

  3. okay, I'm a reader at 5th Wed. J and yeah, that form letter does have some wording issues I'll admit. And yeah it is pretty brash to reject and then ask for money. But you don't have to be a good writer to be a good editor or to no good writing when you see it. Raduk up there can't spell but I bet he knows when something is good or not. Sometimes we get a piece and I'll read it and I just can't recommend it up the chain because it's not good or it is pretty good but not what we're looking for.

    How can you say such an awful thing that you want us to go out of business? Then all you people would have one less place to get published. It's not like is so easy for another book press to spring up out of the ground. You have to get money and funding, you have to find hardworking editors to read submissions. Most writers don't want to get paid the big bucks anyway, they care more about getting in print. Why do you think selfpublishing is so popular. Besides we don't have any money to pay the readers like me, so why would we pay the writers?

    Hey if you get rejected by us just go selfpublish yourself!

  4. Well "reader," you need to learn some basic reading comprehension skills, because no one said they hoped you'd go out of business (though I admit I do)--they wished you Godspeed on the inevitable journey to being defunct. There is a difference. Just as there is a difference between "know" and "no."

  5. Oh, and HA HA HA HA HA, "most writers don't want to get paid the big bucks anyway." Are you twelve and do you live in North Korea?

  6. I smell trololol. Good one, Reader!

  7. benfit from reading it?? looks like someone's having troble finding real fans too purches copys lol looks like people dont want too read the fith, they're only looking for a credit.

  8. reader, I dont need a lame mainstream journals to tell me how too write it , my goal is too win the indie 500. I have record deal ...lets see...?//// my lyric poetry could sale millions and if I submit too the "fith" then only, like, 500 copy will circulate weather im in it or not? me being in thsi lame journal those nto change a thing... i could sale 100,000 thousand of my own poetry book if i marketed it right...

  9. Im the brave soul too use my real name on post...on day i'll be the great poet alive..one day!

  10. one else place too get published?? we are in the internet age not the 19th century. lol

    but good luck reader....with everthing ..maybe we can partner with you at my blog journal "vintage poetry" we can use a proof read too ;) goodozog@gmail.com

  11. Radek, Godspeed on your journey to mastering grammar and spelling.

  12. Reader, if you're a troll, you're a hero.

    Otherwise, you've really, truly, embarrassed not only yourself, but your journal.

    Either way, thank you for the wonderful amusement.
