Friday, September 14, 2012

From Horrible to Hopeful

I have been in ye old hospital with a family member all week via ye old emergency room. But since I've been away from LROD all week, a few interesting items have popped up. First: my agent doesn't like my novel.  (Horrible, I know.) Nothing to say.  I love him and I appreciate his honesty.  I also love my novel.  So where does that put me? Second: I am really hoping he likes the new book proposal and chapters of my nonfiction book. (Hopeful.) I will keep you ever posted.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should find out if he'll still represent it or not.Or would he represent it with some specific change (i.e.shorten it) that you could see benefiting the work. If he can't represent it, I would send it out to other agents while working with him on the nonfiction. I would also write another novel based on kicking ideas around with him -0 just start it - just to see if his vision enhances yours or makes it easier to move forward with one of your ideas.
    I'm saying all this because I feel you. I'm agented. Thought about switching when my agent disagreed with something I wanted to do, but then realized I'monly contracted to her for certainthings and I could always have another agent too.
