Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pre-Pub Freakage

I don't know exactly why this happened, but when I saw a galley and the actual inside layout of my book, I freaked a little. Maybe it's that the 15 years of emotions that went into getting this thing to happen, or all the ups and downs, or the traumatic years of rejection, came rolling back to knock me on my ass. Or maybe I just needed to get my insanity on for a few. And I'm also not totally discounting the idea that the font being used simply is too, too small for the page. People say your book never does end up looking like what you imagine while you're writing it, and yet, it's impossible to actually pinpoint what the hell it is you are imagining. People say that publishing a book is an emotional time, and the exposure is sure to make you bonkers. I've always thought they should just shut up and be happy. Publishing a book is an amazing time. It totally is. But....okay, so I freaked for a min and wanted to lie down in traffic. What can I say? Sue me. I'm human too, which by the way I hate.

1 comment:

  1. I applaud you for putting that out there! While I have no experience with publication and the feelings attached myself (maybe one day), I can now huff your fumes and so can many other aspiring writers. Realistic fumes, at that, nothing in life is ever as we imagine it will be, so, it should be no surprise that this would be no different, but I like that you shed some light on that!

    I, also, liked how you addressed the empty imaginations of first books and how they will look in person. It is funny to think people whose dream is to use their imagination to create these books and to get them published, would have such difficulty imagining their first book in print. Ha ha, the amusement of life, right?

    Congrats on your real deal book, though!
