Saturday, October 11, 2014

On National Coming Out Day, I Begin a 30 Day Count Down to Revealing My Identity

Mice! This is it! In 30 days, my book will be here, so I thought I'd answer a question a day until the big reveal of my identity, the day I will post the cover feature of my novel with an interview in the feature "Victory over Rejection".  In about 2010, some very nice LROD reader, named Anony-mouse, sent a list of questions s/he thought I should answer. 

So here goes: Day #30--Question #1:

Q: What was your most heartbreaking rejection, and why?
LROD: I haven't ever shared my most heartbreaking rejection on this blog before. I guess it was too upsetting for a long time. But now that I have received my first box of my  published novel via priority mail from the publisher, and am getting ready for a book launch, I can share it. As you know, I have had my fair share of agents who have retired, gotten pregnant, gotten fired, and/or left the business. One particular agent was a woman who worked with me on the book very intensely. We had a meeting after one specific serious rewrite, and she very soberly sat me down and told me that I should put the novel on the shelf; it wasn't working, and she didn't see how it would ever work, or how she could ever sell it. I was not expecting this turn of events; I thought we were meeting to figure out which editors we should try first. In fact, I had traveled all the way to New York to meet with her only to have her say that I should give it up. I remember thinking that I was never going to recover from the blow. I remember being really pissed and really down about it for a long time. But eventually, like a weed, I grew back even stronger and got back to work. When this agent quit the biz, I went on to find another. 


  1. Man, you're not getting no comments...what's up with that? G.

  2. Haven't you heard that blogging is dead? People are all about the Twitter and the Other Things now.

  3. I lead a sheltered life, thank God. G.

  4. More power to you, good sir. More power to you.

  5. But we already know your identity, M.B.! And we love it!

  6. Yes, okay, so it's not that much of a secret anymore, but humor me. I've always thought I'd do a cont down. Pretend you don't know, and then please act all surprised and flabbergasted and delighted. Okay? After all we've been through together, I think we can stage this thing together.

  7. Aw, WTF...Why you gotta ruin it for everyone? Just because you know, doesn't mean EVERYBODY knows.
