Friday, November 7, 2014

Count Down Day....Ah, Screw It. No One is Counting Down with Me Anyway. (Final Post)

You will understand the miracle of the blurb on the cover of my novel, if you are an LROD fan. You see, little rodents, good things can happen to good writers too.  In case you cannot see it, the quotation says:
"This debut sparkles; Miracle Girls is that rarest thing; a literary miracle. MB Caschetta will break your heart and mend it all at once." --Darin Strauss, author of Chang and Eng and Half a Life.
So, this is me and this is my novel:, and @caschetta on The Twits if you wish to follow my progress. Most of you know I have been anonymous here as Writer, Rejected since 2007, through thick and thin, through blogging as a form of expression to the death of blogging and the rise of Twitter. From the early threats I received via email (remember email) to the yawns and crickets heard round the InterWebs in these latter years.

Here I was, and here I shall be. So, done and done, my friends. You have been good companions. 

Feel free to comment on this final blog post however you wish. Also, go ahead and purchase my book if you want to be very kind to me; it is readily available everywhere, though the official release date is November 11th, which we have established as a basically meaningless calendar number.  Please note that I did thank Rosemary Ahern for all generosity real and imagined.

Here are some reviews:  Kirkus and Bookshots at LitReactor.  (I will add the others as they come rolling on in--good, bad, and ugly.)

Peace out, for now. I am off to find Jacob Appel and buy that guy a beer.


  1. I had no clue who you were. And I have been following the count down. You cut us a little short, but anyway...congratulations. I'll buy a copy of your book.

  2. Congratulations! I just scooted over to your web site and your novel sounds fantastic. I'm going to pick up a copy.

    And thanks for your blog. It's been a real source of entertainment and consolation to me over the years. I'll miss it!

  3. Darin Strauss blurbed you? No shit. That is one good thing that came out of this blog then, isn't it? Unless you knew him from before and the thing with him was all planned from the start.

  4. Good conspiracy theory, but Darin and I do not know each other. In fact, we have never met, just emailed around LROD. The blurb came out of a Twitter exchange with @writerrejected. He is a good guy. Also, you should read Half A Life, his memoir. It will blow your socks off. (Is that a saying?)

  5. at 3:19 PM, Anonymous said...

    "Wow end of an era"

    Don't you mean "Wow end of an era again"?

  6. Dude. Does it have to be the end of your blog? You were just getting warmed up - or at least I was - and now you're all published ! Congrats! You deserve it. And, I hope you are propelled out of obscurity into something very satisfying, financially rewarding, and soul-fulfilling. And that you still manage to stay humble and amusing.

  7. I have been following the countdown. I just discovered you on the first day of your countdown. So I'll never have the chance to know you pre-breakthrough.

  8. Somehow methinks this blog will not die. I stopped checking it for a year after the last time it "closed." I'll check back in another year's time and see. In the meantime, congratulations on your success.

  9. I'm the "Anonymous" who was moving your books around in B and N :)

    I went back and of course the book was back on the shelf where it had been, although there were more copies and the cover of the book was facing forward. The pink cover is quite distinctive :)

    I actually figured out who you were when you had your New York Times article published in 2011; I simply researched who had written an essay in the NYT in the days before you posted about it.

    I missed your blog when you weren't here for a year or so and I'll miss it again.

    You're going to be so busy promoting the book. Enjoy the ride!

    Congrats on your book deal and I hope it sells very well!

  10. Disagree with Lee G. Not sure this blog is relevant any more. Personal rejections are everywhere online; famous and otherwise. LROD now serves as a database for rejection. What more is there?

  11. And they said you'd never get published because of this blog. Just goes to show, they don't know jack.
