Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Not You (One More Time)

I got this in the mail again today. I guess because I submitted work in two categories: fiction and nonfiction. Double jeopardy!


  1. Well, I'm starting to think if maybe you are one of those spring chickens who applies for every single contest in every category, maybe you deserve to get a lot of rejections. I'm just saying, anonymous and I were talking how we just decided we're too old to apply and voila, no more rejections!
    Problem solved.

  2. Don't take it personally, WR. It seems to be the latest craze - see your September 19 entry.
    Indie: tried that years ago. You're right - it was magical. All of a sudden there were nothing but bills in my mailbox again. But I missed the sight of my handwriting on the envelopes, I guess...

  3. You know what, WR? I make an effort to read these prize-winning things, and they have nearly made me cross-eyed. When I like something, it seems that it won as a fluke and is pointed out as such (case in point, "The Ceiling," an O. Henry winner), so what do I know? So I stopped entering these competitions. And I learned something about myself: What other people like or respond to is irrelevant, unless you care for the bloodsport itself, in which case I say, Let the games begin.

  4. I think these are all models. I mean, come on! Three of them are SMILING. What true authors ever have the energy to smile broadly for a camera? They're too exhausted from meeting deadlines and papering their walls with rejection notices!

