Monday, September 24, 2007

Not You (Revisited)

This came in today's mail. Yet another contest lost! This one has photographs of the winners, making being a loser all the more tragic.


  1. Today's Creative Denial Exercise: Cut and paste your picture in the appropriate spot. Enter your submission as Prize Winner. Post in your work area. Tear down and trample. Explore alternative revenue streams. Oh yeah: congrats to the winners. Sort of.

  2. Those people look underage for winning literary contests. Shouldn't there be some age limit, like no younger than, say, forty? thirty-five? Oh, is my bitterness showing? Let me go powder my nose.

  3. Contests are for the young. After a bit, one's armor begins to rust, and the arrows of loserdom hit home...

  4. "Arrow of loserdom hits home." I so love that. It is so sad, so true. One more thing I'm too old for. You pierced my denial of loserdom. Sniff.

  5. Well... at least that's how I feel. I haven't entered a contest in years and years, because, you know, it hoits. (I don't think YOU'RE a loser. You have a wonderful blog, by the way.)

  6. Thank you. I don't understand the point of a writer not at least coming up with a pen name for his/her anonymous so that the rest of us know which particular anonymous we are talking to. Like, next time I see anonymous, I might think it's the anonymous who thinks I have a wonderful blog when really it is a homicidal anonymous who thinks my blog is the scum of the earth and must be obloggerated. The conversation would go quite differently. You see?

  7. Ah, but you see, I want my anonymous identity to merge with all the anonymouses in the universe. We ARE all one... I wrote those songs you mumble in your sleep, and did those awesome cave paintings, and that dirty joke you love so much... yeah, it was me... anonymous...

  8. Well in that sense, anonymous, you are very famous indeed. And don't need to enter contests at all. And I will assume all anonymouses (anonymice?) are you from now on, the eternal, the transcendent, you.

  9. Now you know: I, the Great Anon and the Universe are One. I (we?) both suffer from DID (dissociative identity disorder - used to be known as multiple personality disorder. It's not a pre-requisite for a writer, but it sure helps (specially with the dialogues).
