Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Touch of Acceptance?

Hey, I hate to disappoint, but a story of mine got accepted yesterday at a very nice journal. It's a story I really love and have long puzzled over why it has never found a home. But today it has one. Also, the film script I wrote from an old short story of mine has generated lots of deadlines lately: treatments, writer's notes, potential revisions. The producers seem hell-bent on raising money to have it produced. So there you have it. Today's anti-rejection....but don't worry; I'll be back tomorrow on topic.


  1. CONGRATS! What wonderful news! And, really, there is no one more deserving than our very own WR.

  2. Congrats! :-)

    I, on the other hand, just got my novel rejected today. Again.

    In a fit of self-therapy, I started researching famous writers who have been rejected, and came across your inspirational blog. :-)

  3. Congrats!
    I had no doubt you'd get accepted and it will happen again, and again, untill you'll have no rejections to report about here!
    Congratulations again!!!

  4. congratulations!
    Coming from Angelique.

  5. I am completely disillusioned. Writer, Rejected getting accepted? Is this one of the seven signs of the Apocalypse?

    *grins evilly, then laughs*

    Nice work!


  6. Congraulations! I enjoy your blog and am happy for your good fortune!

  7. When you are famous, will all of this be turned into a museum, like maybe part of the Smithsonian, with its own building in D.C. and then will all our comments be displayed,too, so the rest of us can at least point to the comments we wrote for our grandchildren and they can at least be proud of us for that??

  8. "Found a home," eh? Way to go, old girl. Don't forget your pal Lobster Face when you're famous, though. I'll be here in the high pressure cooker, waiting for that big hand from the sky to lift the lid and rescue me from the boiling waters of hell before I'm cooked alive in my carapace.

  9. Thanks, you guys. The answer to all the questions in all the comments is "yes." Happy ending will come when I finish writing the new novel and it gets publish. Then I will retire all this....and reveal my identity.

  10. Huge congrats. I've enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading your writing when I know who you are.
