Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Heartbreak Rejection

It's a real kick in the pants when two people beat you out for the Flannery O'Connor Fiction Prize, which includes publication of your short story collection. So much for the fantasy that your manuscript was next in line for glory. This rejection came in today's mail from the University of Georgia Press. For all those who were worried that I'd win and then start stalking Rosemary Ahern in earnest, you can rest easy. No such luck.

This one really hurts.


  1. Maybe you placed third...

  2. Bummer, WR.

    Still, since I find it informative to check on the winners, Peter Selgin is quite prolific, albeit someone I had never heard of, and is a veteran of these contests. He's running an annual workshop in Italy in addition.

    The other, Porter, is a One Story Success Story.

    Keep going, WR. Chin up in the muck!

  3. Dang, I've lost that one so many times. I think I only actually entered twice, but I lost symbolically all those other times.

  4. Another viewpoint: Co-winners. That's not nearly so much fun as winning single-handedly, is it?

    Certainly, WR, you would like to wear your prize diadem independently.

  5. Yeah, before I developed my chainmail heart, that not-winning really DID hurt. Because I believed in it. It has *her* name in it!

