Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Smooth Talker Wes Adams

A reader sent in this rejection from FSG's Wes Adams:

"I think [the writer's] heart is in exactly the right place in these spirited pages and yet I agree that he is in need of strong editorial direction. Unfortunately, though I tried, I just don't feel inspired enough by one or the other of the two main parts of this enterprise--the writing or the story--to believe that I would have the right vision and energy for the job. I enjoyed the chance to consider this, though, and I hope that I'll be seeing this out there in the world between boards before too long. "

It seems to me that Wes is indeed the kind of guy who knows when a heart is in exactly the right place. He hopes to see a manuscript between the boards! That's a lot of smooth talking lingo, no? I particularly like his final punt: he doesn't like a) the writing and b) the story. Oy vey! What's left?


  1. I'd rather someone just say "not for me, good luck" than tiptoe around the fact that he didn't like the story. As if the writer won't be able to read between the lines!

    I also hate when people call a book an "enterprise" as much as I hate when music critics write about a "sophomore effort" as if it wasn't an actual second record they were reviewing but a mere attempt at a record. Give me a break!

  2. There's only one word for this rejection: icky.

  3. I think I kind of feel sorry for the guy.

  4. Then you're on the wrong site.

  5. Um...hello....anonymice. Could you please choose an identity other than anonymous. It's you're just having a conversation with yourself. Thanks.

  6. I choose a name that represents me perfectly.
