Thursday, February 7, 2008

More, More, More

Oh, my rejecting ex-literary lovers just keep coming around my email box with new sexy writers on their arms and the contests I now refuse to enter, as if the goal is to make me feel bad. Which it does. Every time.

Great Literature. Online. For Free.
Narrative invites you to join 40,000 other readers at the leading revolutionary site for literature. Great writers—Ann Beattie, Joyce Carol Oates, Richard Rodriguez, Tobias Wolff, T. Coraghessan Boyle, Jane Smiley, plus a new generation of amazing young authors—are with us. Won’t you be? Please join us in an enduring love affair with words. log on for free at

We know that some of you may have encountered some recent technical difficulty while trying to send us entries for the SQ Love Story Contest. We wanted to let you know that problem with the upload page has been corrected, and entries in the contest are being accepted. The contest is open to fiction and nonfiction entries, and offers a First Prize of $2,500, a Second Prize of $1,500, a Third Prize of $750, and ten Finalists each will receive $100. Deadline for entries: March 31, 2008. For complete details, please click here. If you would like us to remove you from our announcement list please click here.


  1. Narrative charges FEES for submissions based on LENGTH.

    Who believes Ann Beattie, Joyce Carol Oates, Richard Rodriguez, Tobias Wolff, T. Coraghessan Boyle and Jane Smiley PAID TO SUBMIT???

    These famous writers should tell us if they PAID to submit in the slush pile with no guarantee for getting a slot, because otherwise we have to assume they got special treatment .... and willingly supported a magazine that separates writers in different castes!

    Did they use any of the editing services? If yes: how much did they pay? Do they recommend "amazing young authors" pay to submit here and/or buy the editing services? What gives?

  2. Paying literary journals to read my work, whether for a contest or otherwise, feels like buying a lottery ticket, which I have never done. I swear I will never send another cent to a journal to get a manuscript read and just research the types of entries that require nothing of me but my manuscript. Shouldn't that be enough?

  3. But do Ann Beattie and Joyce Carol Oates pay to get their manuscripts read? That's a pretty good question.

  4. I believe if you pay to submit at Narrative you are eligible to win their annual prize, for best piece in the magazine that year. But, you also have the option to NOT pay, but then you are not eligible to win the annual prize, should your story be accepted.

    I can understand being bitter about getting a contest announcement after you lost a previous one, but I don't see why hearing about the latest issue of a good magazine would make you angry.

  5. Oh, you know how it is. All is unfair in love and literature when one has been jilted.

  6. edan, no, you have to pay to submit. That's how these magazines make their money. I think they might have a few weeks of annual "open enrollment" but otherwise you have to pay. I don't think Beattie and Oates and et cetera waited for open enrollment. Did they get a special back door? Or did they get a personal invite, or what?

    It's total double standards and discriminatory. I'm surprised so many famous writers don't mind the effect that such associations will have on their reputation.
