Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No Song From Chabon For "One Ring Zero"

Who: One Ring Zero is a thoroughly modern klezmer-ish, rock indie band that cut a CD/DVD   and Book entitled As Smart As We ARe, featuring lyrics written by famous authors at the request of band leader, Michael Hearst.

What: A rejection of the lyrics request from Michael Chabon back to Michael Hearst.

When:  2003

Why: Because Chabon sucks? (So says he.)

Wouldn't it be cool if everyone rejecting you followed up with a comment on how lame they truly are for turning you down?


  1. Michael Chabon comes off as genuinely sweet - he's basically saying he realizes it's his loss, but isn't holding up their process. This is obviously not a typical rejection!

  2. It should be pointed out that One Ring Zero actually turned this rejection letter into a song called "MC." Brilliant!
