Monday, August 10, 2009

Fugue You, Booty

Remember these charmers? Anyway, I'm in a fugue myself this Monday morning. Traveling and groggy and preparing for a very sweaty day. I can report, though, that two more agents are reading my novel at the moment. These two came via two contact, as I find myself no longer too proud to ask for help. Maybe that's good. Maybe it's a sign that I'm sinking.


  1. Fingers crossed for you, W,R.

  2. Good luck with the agents, W,R. But you're still in the wrong mindset: you're not "asking for help" by using contacts and you're certainly not "sinking." That's how most people get agents, not through slush pile submissions or query letters but through personal vetting. You have to have more faith in your own work!

  3. I always get Fugue confused with fudge. Also, you're never getting into Fugue. Nobody is. There's maybe a dozen slots for fiction every year. And since it's an academic lit mag, those precious slots are reserved for 'names' and students and faculty at other creative writing programs. That way, the students at Idaho can their backs scratched too, someday. Let the dream die already.
