Friday, August 7, 2009

Man's Fitness to Inhabit the Universe--So Overdone!

I love this rejection from 1953. "There's nothing wrong with your writing" seems like a pretty great opening line. Also, the letterhead is super confusing, isn't it? If Worlds of Science Fiction...doesn't make sense, does it? Try again, by all means.


  1. wow, i put way to much stock in the word "fitness" in that sentence. for a while i thought there could be some kind of male fitness world domination agenda rearing it's muscular head into the realm of science fiction.

  2. Actually, I think this letter says that it's the pessimism that's overdone, not man's place in the universe. Still, that's a heavy line for a rejection letter.

  3. Personally I never get tired of different variations on man's lack of fitness for various things, including but not limited to inhabiting the universe ...

  4. I think this letter says that it's the pessimism that's overdone, not man's place in the universe. Still, that's a heavy line for a rejection letter.
