Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Doomsday Rejection

Here's the intensely juicy response I got yesterday when querying a few more agents because, well, what the hell? Apparently, I'm just refusing to believe that the end is near. Here's what I got in return: Hi: Thank you for your query. Don’t worry – it’s not you; the industry is collapsing and it’s becoming more and more difficult to work in it. That said, I’m not going to be the right agent for you, either, because my future is uncertain. Best of luck to you in finding someone who can stick around and help you get published! Kind regards, Agent in Small Downsizing Boutique Agency  Wowzer!


  1. This scares the sh*t out of me. Really it does. Pretty soon they only way anyone is ever going to get published is if they are already famous.

  2. Holy crap. Self-defeating agents...

    I have NO response to that... my brain is not making the words. I can't believe that an agent would be so depressed as to blame it on everything else around him/her. Probably good thing you didn't get set up with them...

    found the words!

  3. Well, at least you know "it's "not you." Holy moley.

  4. Wow, that certainly does the writer's heart good. So, we're all wasting our valuable time writing novels that will never see the light of day?

    Brillant. Just what I wanted to know.

  5. OK, this is bad, and I know the industry is in trouble, but it's obviously also from an individual agent who is about to get shit-canned. Extrapolate to the rest of the agenting world with caution.

  6. Yeah, I was getting rejection letters bemoaning the state of the industry 15 years ago. I see things haven't improved any since then ...

  7. makes you thankful that you have a job outside of writing, huh?. the honesty is kind and sounds like it was written by a young person. i hope he/she can find a better job.

  8. This is exactly the state of the industry right now. Which is why I say an unpublished author is blessed. Now is not the time to be giving any rights away. Wait. The revolution is going to hit really hard this year and next.

    That's my take, anyway.

    Actually, I think this might be a good topic to bring up over at my blog Thanks for posting it.

