Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sorry, I Only Publish What's Unpopular

Rarely to we get such a clear view inside the mind of a working agent as we do with this rejection (sent in by a loyal LROD mouse).  Contrarian indeed:
I appreciate your contacting me and your kind words about the late [person they both know]. I think a lot of people will go for this and that you should be able to find representation for it, but it's not really for me in terms of what I am looking for right now. This kind of "the teenager is really a witch/vampire/werewolf/ demon/ wizard" novel is really hot right now, and I don't do what's hot. Just some contrarian gene in me, I guess.
Maybe I should send my novel there; my stuff is definitely not hot.


  1. I wonder if this site would be improved by naming names?

    It would be helpful to know which agents are generally dismissive or rude, and which agents are providing genuine responses. This last one, for instance. Would love to know who this is.

    You could leave the contributor (writer's) info out for privacy, but why omit the agents' names?

  2. I do generally name names, though in recent rejections I don't want to out myself. In the older ones, I name the agent's name because it's unlikely they will remember back to my manuscript through the years. My plan is to go back and put in names after some time has passed.

    I can't always supply the names in rejections that are sent in, but if you email me at writer rejected at aol dot com, I can give some information.

  3. You know what this means right? She basically isn't looking for what's hot right now because she herself is looking for the next "trend" and her next paycheck.

  4. I put names because I don't give a "fuk"

  5. TRQ, that might be why you're not getting any biters. If some agents discovered that you keep a rant blog about form rejections, and that you don't cross out names, they might get the impression that you are a difficult client and steer clear. And they'd tell all their agent friends for sure.

  6. Suomynon-I never used my real name. EVER.

  7. Please check out my online journal entitled "bridge for sale"...

  8. Wow, I'm with your LROD, my stuff definitely ain't "IN" right now. Maybe we should all blast this agent with our stuff and he/she can see how unpopular we all are together.


  9. The photo for this post is freaking me out man.

  10. I agree with what Rejection Queen said. I've heard from agents that if something's been hot for awhile, they're not interested because they know soon it'll be out, and they're looking for the next hot thing. Like a perpetual mid-life crisis... ;)

  11. Hmm, that's like the opposite of the agent who wanted me to rewrite my vampire novel to make the vampires romantic and sympathetic creatures who hate what they've become and only prey on evil. (Those aren't vampires!)

  12. i agree. that photo's really creeping.

    i mean, i like the ninja turtles as much as the next girl, but JEzuss...
