Friday, February 5, 2010

You Want to Read My What?

So, here's a surprise. (I don't mean the fact that somehow my font is stuck on italics and so it seems that I am emphasizing everything.)  Oddly, at this moment, two publishers of smallish publishing houses are reading my essay collection.  I gave them the range of choices: novel, short story collection, essay collection, and they both chose essays.  Is that just exactly how dead fiction is?  Used to be you couldn't get arrested with a book of creative nonfiction in a sandwich baggy. (Somewhere in here here is a definite need for emphasis, maybe the sentence about fiction being dead. You'll have to supply it yourself.)  As ever, I shall keep you eternally posted. Have a good weekend, everybody.


  1. And I thought I was the negative one! The day fiction is dead is the day pigs fly.

  2. I'm glad to hear that. I have always thought that literary art included essays.

    Poetry, short stories, novellas, novels, and essays.

  3. Use the html editing mode when you write posts. Eliminate the pointy bracket tags that have something like 'span style="italic"' or whatever inside. That should take care of the runaway italics.

  4. Totally off topic...but I checked the Google PageRank (tm) of this blog, and WR, you are at a whopping 6! For comparison, the Narrative website is also PR 6; The New Yorker and Gawker are PR 8. VQR is at 7, and Duotrope and Smokelong Quarterly are both at 5.

    Maybe you're new calling in life is selling ad space on your blog.

  5. Fiction isn't dead just yet. Help bring more life into it. Best of luck with your works.


  6. Just to check out the page rank thing, I typed in - it gets 9/10. Which made me wonder - how many hits do you need to get a 10??!

  7. Oh, the old 'fiction is dead' chestnut ... Please do not fall for this tired old cliche of jaded literary journalists (although I'm assuming you didn't, in fact!). As long as there are human beings, story-telling will never die - and fiction is a vital part of that tradition.
    All the same, I love the idea of your achieving success with essays. From what I've seen of your blog, that would be richly-deserved. Good luck!
