Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another Day, Another Agent

A friend called yesterday insisting I send my novel to his agent because he (the friend) had read and liked it (the novel). You don't get that kind of a phone call every day. I've been revising the ending. (I kind of think the novel rushes to its conclusion due to my anxiety about ending it properly, so I need to think about how to get back in there and slow it down a little.) Anyway, I sent it off because the agent's assistant wanted it now, and I am nothing if not obedient.  Whatevs.  It'll be a new rejection to post in a few months.


  1. I think all future pics should be anthropomorphic. I'm liking the faces lately. But hey, good luck with the new agent.

  2. This picture is absolutely frightening, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have nightmares about it!

    But, good luck with the agent, anyway! :)

  3. Lmao @ photo. See, I wish my friends were more like you. I have to twist their arms to get them to consider submitting their work to my boss. None of them have taken the bait yet, which makes me sort of sad. Many of them are such talented writers. This is why I say, good on you for capitalizing off of your opportunities. It won't be long before you get that call for representation. Godspeed.

  4. Being a writer should teach me by now that hope is deadly. But when I read this, I felt such a surge of hope for your book. So maybe I'll do the hoping for you this time -- good luck!

    p.s. But these photos you post? They suck everything else good and happy right out of me. :)

  5. WR, do you think that if/when this agent accepts your work that the commenters from this post

    will rip you to shreds for using your insider connections with your writerly friends to get an agent and get your book published?

  6. We won't rip him apart, because his work will sprout legs and get the next Pulitzer. If it doesn't...

  7. @ anon 1:35

    I can't speak for other people, but I will feel great happiness for WR when he/she finally finds an agent to fall in love with his/her novel.

    There's not a strong parallel between using a friend connection to find an agent--AFTER YEARS OF HARD WORK AND REJECTION--and getting your lame story published in a hoity-toity lit mag because you are the editor of another hoity-toity lit mag.

    You are clearly an ass and a troll. Good day to you.

  8. Dudes, I was the one who sent in the Tin House/One Story info and I see absolutely nothing fishy about W.R. being recommended to this agent. I didn't like the One Story deal because One Story acted like they were discovering someone new, which is B.S. since that Tin House editor is so connected. I wasn't upset they published him in the first place. If they had just refrained from congratulating themselves on discovering new voices (new voices who happen to run Tin House) then I wouldn't have cared.

    If an author reads a manuscript that blows him away so much that he recommends it to his agent, then that's just passing along good writing for further consideration. Fair game.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for you, W.R.
