Friday, April 23, 2010

Sticker and All

Ah, yes. The Normal School.  A classic.


  1. Wow...they give you a sticker?!

  2. I've gotten a couple of these stickers over the years. I like to stick them between my blind cat's ears and watch him fight to get it off. Then he chews on it.

  3. Ooh nice sticker. This is still a journal I haven't sent work to yet. Hmm, maybe next season.

  4. I got one of these (and nothing else in the envelope, thanks!), and wrote to tell them how offensive it was to have been fobbed off with a rejection that seemed to say that they thought more of their 'cute' joke than of my sincerity in sending them my work. They responded with an email saying essentially that they were satisfied with what they were doing! (Others have had the same experience: Google the title for other accounts on the web.)

    A month later, work of mine (in both poetry and prose) made runners up in a contest they were judging.

    I hope they like their sticker; it's the most memorable--not to say professional--things about this journal.

  5. I think that many writers make too big of a deal out of the form of their form rejections. The only purpose of a form rejection is to inform you that your piece will not be used.

    The Normal School goes out of their way to make their rejection slips into objects that are fun to own. Isn't it humorous to have a sticker that says you were rejected from the Normal School? Get it? It's a joke. Lighten up a little, no offense. Their not laughing at you the sticker; they are inviting you to laugh with them at the inherent funniness of rejection.

    That is my take on it.
