Sunday, April 25, 2010

GAK 2010 Winner--Bill Shapiro

The mice have spoken, people, and I am pleased to announce that the winner of the 2010 GAK Award, The Golden Apple of Kindness, goes to Bill Shapiro, author of Other People's Rejection Letters.  And this prize has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the fact that Bill has invited yours truly to his fantastic and glamorous (I hope) book party in New York City. Thank you for participating and sending in such amusing comments as:

  1. A book of rejections?  That's right up this blog's alley
  2. Sha*PIE*ro...even though he says his name funny
  3. I vote bill
  4. Let's kiss Betsy Lerner's ass (minority opinion)
Runners up for the GAK 2010?  Jacob Appel and Betsy Lerner, whose prize is to have their names prestigiously listed on this prestigious blog for inclusion on the old resume. They can also console each other by forming an agent/author relationship, selling Jacob's book, and getting it nominated for a Pulitzer. (Really, is that too much to ask?) Congratulations to everyone involved! Please feel free to stop by with congratulations, acceptance speeches, protests, accusations, what have you.
Remember this: At LROD every loser is a winner.


  1. Just wondered if you had any comment on the meltdown happening over at Tales from a Rejection Queen ( Would love to hear your take on the whole ruckus. :)

  2. Bees are stinging over there. She has 80 comments on that post, though. That's a lot. I guess it depends on the goal of your blog.

  3. I am touched and honored. It is not every day that one receives a GAK award. But beyond that, it is not every day that kindness is celebrated, so thanks to LROD for that, and thanks to the comment-posters, voters, and judges for putting kindness first. Or at least in the top 12. Beyond that, a tip of the hat to my fellow nominees, the insanely kind Jacob Appel and Betsy Lerner. (I say we split the apple three ways!)

    The last two years has been a supreme study in kindness for me. Working on a book like Other People’s Rejection Letters allows you to see people at their worst and best. One thing becomes very clear: There are many ways to say “no” to someone, and the simplest/meanest is rarely the best. Beyond that, when you put together a book that draws on the work and pain and generosity of others, you truly come to value the kindness of others.


  4. The cached version of Rejection Queen's post is here. Honestly, I don't think she wrote anything that most writers don't already think most of the time. I would hardly call it a meltdown, just a little rant.
