Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Feel Free to Move About The Cabin Again

So, as per yesterday's surprise email from an interested agent, and despite my response to keep reading, I got this nice note back from the assistant:
I spoke with [first name of agent] and in light of the changes you’re making, he’s going to stop reading and wait for the revision. Please do send as soon as it’s ready – we can’t wait to read more!
On the one hand, I really didn't want the agent and assistant to lose momentum. On the other hand, who wants to read something even the author thinks can be improved?  It certainly is motivation for an INCREDIBLE rewrite, the rewrite of my life. Thanks for sitting still and praying. You guys are the best.  Feel free to move about your lives again as I sit here writing.  Otherwise, I will keep you eternally posted.


  1. I almost didn't want to read this - I thought you were going to say they had passed.
    Best wishes for the rewrite.

  2. Me too, I was scared they passed. But so far this sounds so good! Do you have any idea how long the revisions might take?

  3. I just realized how invested I am. I had the same reaction. If it had been a flat out no, I'm sure I would have burst out with uncivilized words. Like "Oh, c'mon!" "What's it take?" and "WTF?!"

  4. Me, I remained seated and perfectly calm.

    The good guys get to win sometimes...

  5. keeping my fingers crossed for you

  6. Go get 'em! You deserve this success, and I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for more good news for you :)

  7. Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you -- oh, I'm excited. I hope you get fabulous news!
