Monday, May 17, 2010

Please Don't Move

Dudes....don't say anything, don't think anything, don't even breathe. Just close your eyes and pray to the Queen of Heaven that something comes of this tiny little crumb of news I have to share with you. There was an email, mice, to me; an email from the assistant to an agent who has my novel. An email telling me to sit tight, that I'm "an absolute priority".  I wrote back and was like "Cool. Sort of glad you were busy because I'm revising at the moment; can I get you a new manuscript on Monday to replace the dusty one sitting on your desk?" And then came a second email saying that actually they (agent and assistant) have already started to read and have gotten to the first 100 pages. That's when the good parenthetical phrase was used to describe their experience with the novel so far: "(Totally engrossed, to be frank.)"
    Try not to make any sudden movements. Let's all just sit very still and wait. If you are a believer, a little prayer would be nice, but it's not entirely necessary for you to join in. Stillness is good enough.
    It's true we've been here before. We've suffered the disappointment after having gotten this close. Also true: my novel unravels slightly as it moves toward section 2 and 3, which is why I'm revising; so maybe they won't like the rest, but I did tell them I was working on those sections. It may not be an entirely lost cause if we manage to sit still. But, as always, I'm not the luckiest son of a gun, am I?


  1. GOOD LUCK!!

    Before now I could never imagine that the words "Totally engrossed, to be frank" would look so beautiful in those darling parentheses.

  2. vewy, vewy quiet...we're hunting agents

  3. I'm hoping for you.

  4. You are very lucky, and I wish you the best.

    And I will be a statue.

  5. Sitting still and holding breath for you! I've been a lurker for a while, and decided to officially follow on this blog because that is EXACTLY how I feel right now. If I just sit still enough and hold on hard enough, something will come of my most recent "interest". Best of it to you!

  6. We'll all be crossing fingers and toes until we hear the good news.

  7. I'm a prayer, frankly---so I pray!


  8. Still think you're a daughter of a gun...but good luck. It happened to me & it can happen to you. Work hard.

  9. "Third-gendered child of a gun" doesn't roll off the tongue, so I went for the traditional saying.
