Thursday, July 29, 2010

Needed: Your Mental Powers

I sent the new, new manuscript off with revisions as discussed with Agent 99 (referred by this fancy dude).  Here was the return email received: "Fantastic! It sounds like you've done a lot here. Just so you know, I read on my weekends, so will get back to you early next week. I'm really looking forward to reading."  That means this weekend all you kind mice might wish to create a collective mind-meld of good and positive and hopeful thoughts about 99 and my novel, which you will remember I started writing in 1997. Are you up for it?  Should you choose to accept the mission, you will find a place reserved for you in literary heaven.


  1. All good thoughts coming your way, W.R. I believe it's going to happen. I started writing my novel around 2000 or so - sold it to Random House & Harper UK in 2008, on the shelves in 2010. So you're right on target, I'd say.

    Sorry you won't get any sleep this weekend.

  2. I will -- if you promise, when novel is published, to reveal to us mice your identity, etc. Solve the mystery of your sex.
    A deal?

  3. Your gender is not so much a mystery. But I really hope you do follow through with your promise to reveal your identity on publication of novel - if for no other reason than you have a lot of people here eager to read it, myself included!

    Fingers crossed for a favorable read this weekend and look forward to positive news from the Agent Who Dared early next week!!

  4. i don't know you, but i will visualize you opening your mail and jumping up and down for joy when you read the contract. i will picture your novel on one of those swanky displays in barnes and noble. if imagining those things helps them come to be, i will add them to my daydream repertoire.

  5. We'll all be pulling for you, W.R.! We want that novel published!

    By the way, your loyal readers don't reject you. As a matter of fact, I have an award for you here:

    You can pick it up anytime!

  6. Pulling for you. Without question. good luck xoxoxo

  7. I started something in 1997, too -- he's now growing a mustache. Cheers to you! You know I'm rooting for you.
