Monday, July 19, 2010

They Bring You Lunch in A Basket There

Have you ever been to MacDowell, the artists' colony?  I think it was one of the all-time greatest writing experiences of my life. The company and food were great; they even dropped off a midday meal right on the doorstep of your little cabin in the woods. The second time I applied, they turned me down, which was a little mean, if you ask me. I would apply to Yaddo, but I hear it's haunted, and, quite frankly, I'm afraid of ghosts. Can anyone confirm or deny? What's your colony experience been like?  Did you have sex with lots of people? That seemed to be quite a common activity at MacDowell when I was there, but not me. I'm kind of shy that way. Anyway, I did write a lot.


  1. But what is that word after ... 'didn't work out as' What? Didn't work out as what?

  2. I went to MacDowell last fall and it was the most wonderful experience imaganable. The generosity of everyone at the Colony (staff and other fellows) touched me deeply. The lunches were incredible and I could never have afforded eating as well in the "real" world.

    Writing-wise, I accomplished an incredible amount of work-- each day, I wanted to feel like I was worth the investment the Colony had made in me. I wanted to feel as if I were worth my lunch. I wrote about 20 k words in the 3 weeks I was there, finishing the first draft of my novel and making a boatload of revisions.

    Sex-wise: a zilch. But I'm married and I would have felt kinda cheap if I had squandered the opportunity to do so much work just to go on a three-week sex romp. Yeah, I know: kinda quaint I am.

  3. I have an instructor/friend who went to Yaddo. Didn't say anything about it being haunted. Did say the building was absolutely gorgeous and the food was over-the-top good.

  4. How can you ask about my sex life when you won't even reveal your own gender? That takes big uterus, my friend!

  5. I can answer your Yaddo questions if you want! I was there this spring, though, so I didn't stay in the mansion, and that may well be haunted as they say. I've also been to MacDowell and I was honestly more scared there than at Yaddo! Cabin in the woods and all that.

    Definitely apply to Yaddo. You have 10 days till the next deadline.

    But, feel free to email me. I don't want to put my email in the comments, but it's there at the link.

    Oh, and I'm married, so no sex at either place for me :)

  6. So, married people don't have wonder Updike was so popular.

  7. At MacDowell, spouseless, the faithful ones don't. Also the shy.
