Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Agent Appears to be MY Agent

Agent 99 read the latest revision of my novel, which focused on the first half of the manuscript; she left a voice mail saying she "loved" it.  Nice!  The problem is that now the second half of the manuscript lags....isn't that just the way?  So, she had a couple of ideas, but mainly I have to fine-tooth-comb the second half as I did the first, which I should have done before, but there wasn't a lot of time since the deadline was supposed to be for August 1st.  Anyway, the edits are minor now.  She had a knock-out idea for adding a scene between two characters that I think will be really great. Now I just have to figure out what that scene might be. The emotional content is there, but the logistics, you know?  That's the thing about novels...it all has to seem so effortless.  Anyway, though I'm on vacation (bobbing in the ocean as we speak...well, not really, but you get the idea), I'm back at it.  Not sure when I'll finish.  She'd like to send it out next Monday but wants me to take the time I need.  If I need more time, she'll send it out in September.  So, little tiny mice-icles: your good vibes and prayers this weekend worked!  Thank you very, very much!


  1. Holy crap, you mean she wants to send it out to editors next Monday?? Like, send it OUT out? (Can you tell I haven't been agented yet? I always pictured a longer pre-submission process of the agent suggesting more and more changes...but I guess since they want things to already be perfect these days, they really do send things out right away.)

    Writer, Rejected, we love you! CONGRATS! Getting such good news on vacation is always fabulous.

  2. This is wonderful news, I'm thrilled for you! Many congrats! And keep us posted please...

  3. That's really great. I'm happy for you!

  4. Hooray! Awesome news, and we're all pulling for you. Now go get those revisions buttoned up.

  5. Yay! Sounds really good. A couple edits are nothing if you actually get to keep the agent you're editing for. Congrats!

  6. Told ya.
    Told ya all along.
    Told ya.

  7. Many good vibes to you!
