Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday's Child is Full of Larger Scale Connections

This came via email for me from the young minion of an editor-in-chief at a publishing house where the policy is 16-20 weeks to read your precious tome. In case, anyone cares or wants to keep track, it took 9 months, in which time we all could have given birth to human life. Anyhoo, I guess my book didn't wow anybody there. I particularly love the final note that the rejection was sent on behalf of himself....the king. Cracks me up that the court jester, who was probably also the court reader and rejecter, added that little note.  Here's the rejection:
Thank you for sending [Title of a Collection of Published Essays]. After having read it, I’m afraid I’m going to have to pass. I thought you have a good narrative voice and some interesting stories to tell, but I ultimately didn’t feel the larger scale connection readers would need to have with these personal essays to be able to project them onto their own lives. Sorry this didn’t work for me, but thanks again for the look, and best of luck with your writing. Best, Editor In Chief (Sent on his behalf)

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