Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's All Just Peanuts

Just a quick note to let you know Agent 99 is in Frankfurt at the Book Fair, but we have a date to meet at the end of October to discuss state of my novel: whether to work on it more or send it out. It'll be interesting to meet with her in person. I also can't help but think of all the time I could spend working on it now, but, you know, one thing you learn early about publishing is that you have no control over the time-frame, or over anything else for that matter.  So I'm just going to buckle in and go for the ride.  Oh, and, also, I'm starting to talk a lot about the new book that I'd started researching this winter.  I think that one is coming back strong to lift me out of my shoes and give me something to do.  Lucky me.

1 comment:

  1. I love how small the literary world is. My friend Ali Alsaloom was just at the Frankfurt Book Fair promoting his travel guide to Abu Dhabi and discussing intercultural communication. I wonder if he bumped into your mysterious Agent 99.
