Friday, November 19, 2010

In Other News...

So it turns out that several quotes from my work have been selected in a very fancy reference book of quotes, a cool surprise.  Also, there appears to be an entry about me in an encyclopedia of contemporary American writers. Weird. I didn't know the people involved in either project, and clearly they do not know I am, after all, generally Writer, Rejected, not Writer, Celebrated.  Anyway, sorry for the missing post yesterday; I'm writing like a fiend on the restructuring of the novel, plus having to keep up with my paid-work deadlines as well. I'll keep you posted.


  1. LOL that guys look like me ,in about 15 years lol year of rejection will take tere tool lol

  2. what the...? who those the pig face think she is lol
    she looks just like the gentle rejected of a man lol.

  3. now! don't get me stared with my female rejection FORUM letters lol
