Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Definition of No

This rejection was sent in by an LROD reader, who notes the turn around time was quick, a few days. Seems Jacob, Ass. Ed. is quick on his feet. Clever, too:
Dear Writer: Thank you for sending your story along, but I'm afraid it's not quite right for Harper's Magazine. Please know that we publish only twelve stories a year and receive hundreds of submissions for each one of those spots; under such circumstances, a "no" should be taken to mean "no room" as opposed to "no good". Best of luck placing the story elsewhere, and best of luck with all your writing. Sincerely, Jacob [Illegible], Editorial Assistant


  1. dreams never come true, do they? lol
    my dream never come true on amy level ,atlest.
    I wanted a job a pizza for years and i was alway rejected.

  2. Funny thing? That's Jacob Appell.

  3. Or the no could be taken to mean not no room but not read?

  4. take the oath thenn you'll make in lol
