Monday, November 21, 2011

Put Me in The Crazy House!

Bellevue Literary Review is for medical writing...and crazy people:*
Dear Writer: Thank you for submitting your work to the Bellevue Literary Review. We appreciate the efforts that have gone into this piece. Unfortunately, given the volume of submissions we receive, even quality work often has to be declined. Please be assured that your piece was read thoroughly and given careful consideration by our editorial staff. We wish you luck in placing this elsewhere, and apologize for not being able to offer a personal reply. Sincerely, The Editors, Bellevue Literary Review ( NOTE: Please do not reply to this e-mail -- we are unable to respond personally to messages sent to this address.
*not really.


  1. I love their old-timey medical photographs. Some lit mags are worth subscribing to just for the pictures.

  2. Funny and sad. In the beginning the letter sound politely positive, but with the words 'we apologize for not being able to offer a personal reply,' you know that it's a form letter--a one button rejection. Typical.

    Still it's better than no reply.
