Friday, November 25, 2011

Drink the Milk of Love

I'm grateful for many things this year, peeps. I know, I know: my novel got completely crunched up in the agent machinery, I was rejected after a year of hope, and now I have two versions of the novel and don't know what the hell to do.  (Actually, I've contacted an editor who is going to help me with it, I hope.) But I do have an agent interested in my non-fiction book proposal, and I have an exciting piece of news about the project, but I have to wait until it's a done deal before I announce it. I also believe that some of you brighter mice will be learning my identity at some point....seems like sooner rather than later.  So hold on to your tiny little anonymice hats. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you had a calm and peaceful holiday with your families and friends. It's good for all of us to focus on the important stuff of life, and not just our writing, sometimes. Right?  


  1. you should go with self promotion and publishing of your novel!

    think of it this way, nobody is in the way of your novel being published and you don't have to stand in line in a MAJOR slush pile of a publishing house if you do it independently.

  2. I think we are all ready ready ready for your exciting news!

