Monday, November 28, 2011

Submishmash Crash

A service that will send out rejections for your organization?  I suppose so. It's cloud-based. That's good to know:
Dear [Writer/First Name]: Thanks for giving us the chance to read your work; unfortunately, it doesn't meet our needs at this time. However, we promise that if you keep writing, we'll keep reading. All the best, The Editors, Arts & Letters You are receiving this email because you have an account with a publisher or organization that uses Submishmash. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving all notification emails from Submishmash organizations, please CLICK HERE TO UNSUBSCRIBE.


  1. Did you see they changed their name? Submishmash was terrible while Submittable is merely dumb.

  2. just a tightwad old lady's opinionDecember 2, 2011 at 7:25 PM

    Why any lit mag would pay for a Submishmash subscription or a CLMP Submission Manager license is beyond me. You can hire a web developer to set up your database to receive submissions and it won't cost you that much. Not only will you save money, but you'll be giving work to somebody who needs it.

  3. CLMP is non-profit and your payment goes toward supporing lit mags in general when you buy the SM license. But I agree that a lit mag on a budget should hire a tech person do set up one of these systems rather than go to a third party. Or they can just accept submissions by email. I hate it when journals charge an electronic submissions fee to supposedly offset the cost of one of these systems. It's not the submitter's fault that a journal couldn't come up with a cost-effective alternative.

    If they are a university-based journal, the IT department will do it as part of their normal duties, so there's no need for an English department to pay an outside party for this service.

  4. Tightwad & S-
    Neither of you sound like you've actually been on the editor's side of things. Submishmash is way more than a 'database'. I can't imagine a freelance developer creating a PDF converter, ability to assign to many users, etc, and supporting a system like that for more than 10K per year. And CLMPs system is way more than Submismash, which is month-to-month. Most publishers using is pay for 4-6 months per year and there's no IT or hosting needed.

    S- I asked our IT to help get SM set u. They told me it would take 4 weeks. Total nightmare.
